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The Beatin’ Path study Guide:
Questions and Topics for Discussion

 1. What are the recurring themes of The Beatin’ Path? How does the author convey them? How does the author relate them to each other?

 2. The author uses various styles and voices to communicate his ideas, including parables, poetry, epigrams, and essays. Is that approach effective to you? Why?

 3. Are the multiple perspectives and voices effective to you? Why?

 4. According to the author, what is humanity’s unique survival advantage? How does he establish the claim?

 5. What is the author’s point of view on belief systems? How does he convey it?

6. What is the author’s point of view on science? Does he make a convincing case? How?

 7. What is the author’s point of view on religion? Does he make a convincing case? How?

 8. What is the author’s point of view on humanity? Does he make a convincing case? How?

 9. How does the author use language to communicate his ideas? Is it effective to you? Why?

 10. How does the author use humor to communicate his ideas? Is it effective to you? Why?

 11. Did The Beatin’ Path make you think? How? About what?

 12. What did you enjoy most about The Beatin’ Path? Why?

 13. What did you enjoy least about The Beatin’ Path? Why?

 14. What is the ultimate message of The Beatin’ Path? Do you agree? Why?

 15. Would you recommend The Beatin’ Path to your friends? Why?